못쓰게 만들거나 고장난 상태를 가리킬 사용합니다.
on the fritz = not working correctly = out of order
The ice is melting in our freezer. I think it is on the fritz.
2009년 11월 25일 수요일
2009년 11월 23일 월요일
Idiom 178: walk all over someone
어떠한 좋은 의도를 나쁘게 이용하는 경우를 가리킬 사용합니다.
walk all over someone = take advantage of someone
He loves her so much and she walks all over him.
walk all over someone = take advantage of someone
He loves her so much and she walks all over him.
Idiom 177: twiddle one's thumbs
일하지 않는 바쁘지 않는 상황을 가리킬 때 사용합니다. 직역을 하시면 의역이 되겠지요. 손가락을 빙빙 돌리는 상상을 하시면 어떤 때 그렇게 할까요... 할일없어서 빈들빈들 놀때.
twiddle one's thumbs = not busy = not working
Our department has gotten slow this season. All we are doing is twiddling our thumbs.
twiddle one's thumbs = not busy = not working
Our department has gotten slow this season. All we are doing is twiddling our thumbs.
2009년 11월 21일 토요일
Idiom 176: will power
마음의 힘..심력을 말할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 교육에서는 심력은 12세 미만에 길러진다고 하네요.
will power or willpower = stength of mind
Some people say you need a lot of will power to quit smoking.
will power or willpower = stength of mind
Some people say you need a lot of will power to quit smoking.
2009년 11월 20일 금요일
Idiom 175: floor someone
당황하다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 특히 수동태로 사용되구요.
floor someone = surprise = confuse
I was floored when I found out they had made me a surprise birthday party.
floor someone = surprise = confuse
I was floored when I found out they had made me a surprise birthday party.
Idiom 173: odds and ends
잡동사니란 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
odds and ends = miscellaneous
You can refer to a disorganized group of things of various kinds as odds and ends.
I have some odds and ends around my house that I would like to sell.
odds and ends = miscellaneous
You can refer to a disorganized group of things of various kinds as odds and ends.
I have some odds and ends around my house that I would like to sell.
Idiom 172: mean business
진정이다...라는 표현으로 I'm serious라고 많이 쓰죠. 같은 뜻으로 많이 사용하는 표현입니다.
mean business = be serious
He told his son that he had to finish all of his homework before he went out to play and he meant business.
mean business = be serious
He told his son that he had to finish all of his homework before he went out to play and he meant business.
2009년 11월 19일 목요일
Idiom 171: pinch pennies
지출을 극도로 줄이는 것을 가리킵니다. 특히 요즘같이 경기가 좋지 않을때 현명한 방법이겠지요.
pinch pennies = be thrifty, careful how you spend money
If you spend your time pinching pennies, eventually, you'll have a lot of money.
pinch pennies = be thrifty, careful how you spend money
If you spend your time pinching pennies, eventually, you'll have a lot of money.
Common error 59: imply vs. infer
imply: to hint at it 의미하다, 암시하다
She IMPLIED that there were strong moral objections to his appointment but didn’t say so in so many words.
infer: to draw a conclusion 추론하다, 추리하다
Am I to INFER from what you say that he is unsuitable for the post?
She IMPLIED that there were strong moral objections to his appointment but didn’t say so in so many words.
infer: to draw a conclusion 추론하다, 추리하다
Am I to INFER from what you say that he is unsuitable for the post?
Common error 58: imaginary vs. imaginative
imaginary: existing only in the imagination 상상의, 가공의
imaginative: showing or having a vivid imagination, being creative, origin 상상의, 상상력이 풍부한, 상상하기 좋아하는
imaginative: showing or having a vivid imagination, being creative, origin 상상의, 상상력이 풍부한, 상상하기 좋아하는
Idiom 170: throw cold water on
어떤 일을 하는데 격려하지 않는 경우에 사용하는 표현입니다. 찬물을 끼얹는 경우를 가리킬 때이지요.
throw cold water on = discourage
I really don't want to throw cold water on your business propsal, but I really don't think that it is a good idea.
throw cold water on = discourage
I really don't want to throw cold water on your business propsal, but I really don't think that it is a good idea.
Idiom 169: put up a good front
어떤 상황에서 그렇지 않은데 그런것처럼 하는 때가 있으실 것입니다. 행복하지 않은데도 행복한 것처럼 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
put up a good front = pretend tp be happy = fool people about one's status
Even though she is upset about the fight she had with her friend, she put up a good front and smiled the whole time they were together.
put up a good front = pretend tp be happy = fool people about one's status
Even though she is upset about the fight she had with her friend, she put up a good front and smiled the whole time they were together.
Idiom 168: put down
put down = make someone look bad = criticize
He embarrassed her by putting her down in front of her family.
He embarrassed her by putting her down in front of her family.
2009년 11월 16일 월요일
Idiom 167: lose one's shirt
돈을 잃다란 뜻입니다.
lose one's shirt = lose all one's money
He put his lifetime savings into the restaurant. When it failed, he lost his shirt.
lose one's shirt = lose all one's money
He put his lifetime savings into the restaurant. When it failed, he lost his shirt.
Idiom 166: get in the swing of things
적응하다라는 뜻입니다.
get in the swing of things = adapt or adjust to a new environment
After working two weeks in the new department, I finally got in the swing of things.
get in the swing of things = adapt or adjust to a new environment
After working two weeks in the new department, I finally got in the swing of things.
2009년 11월 12일 목요일
Idiom 165: go-getter
야망이 있는 사람이나 수완이 좋은 사람을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
go-getter = ambitious person = a person whose career progresses rapidly
She is the most successful salesperson I've ever seen. She's a real go-getter.
go-getter = ambitious person = a person whose career progresses rapidly
She is the most successful salesperson I've ever seen. She's a real go-getter.
2009년 11월 11일 수요일
Common error 57: Illegible vs. Ineligible
illegible: not able to be read
ineligible: not properly qualified
ineligible: not properly qualified
Idiom 164: to the hilt
자루밑까지 철저히란 뜻입니다.
to the hilt = completely = thoroughly = to the limit
He's borrowed a lot of money against his house. He is mortgaged to the hilt!
to the hilt = completely = thoroughly = to the limit
He's borrowed a lot of money against his house. He is mortgaged to the hilt!
Idiom 163: throw the book at
엄벌에 처하라는 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
throw the book at = punish severely for breaking rules or the law = apply the harshest possible punishment to
They have a lot of evidence against that criminal. They are going to throw the book at him at the trial.
throw the book at = punish severely for breaking rules or the law = apply the harshest possible punishment to
They have a lot of evidence against that criminal. They are going to throw the book at him at the trial.
2009년 11월 10일 화요일
Idiom 162: stuck
이해하지 못하다라고 할 때 쓰는 간단한 표현입니다...
stuck = unable to to understand
I am stuck on this math problem and I cannot figure it out.
stuck = unable to to understand
I am stuck on this math problem and I cannot figure it out.
Idiom 161: shook up
흔히 upset이란 단어를 사용하는 당황하게 하다라는 뜻을 가진 표현입니다. 정신이 동요되어 있거나 마음이 산란한 상태를 가리킵니다.
shook up = upset = worried fearful
I got all shook up when I heard the awful news.
shook up = upset = worried fearful
I got all shook up when I heard the awful news.
2009년 11월 9일 월요일
Idiom 160: off one's rocker
미쳐서, 열광해서, 흥분해서란 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
off one's rocker = crazy
He is off his rocker if he thinks I'm going to help him decorate for the party.
off one's rocker = crazy
He is off his rocker if he thinks I'm going to help him decorate for the party.
Idiom 159: have someone's number
어떤 사람의 속셈을 간파하다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
have (or get) someone's number = know what kind of person someone is
He doesn't think anyone knows, but I know he stole the material for the book. I've got his number.
have (or get) someone's number = know what kind of person someone is
He doesn't think anyone knows, but I know he stole the material for the book. I've got his number.
2009년 11월 6일 금요일
Idiom 158: poke around
무언인가를 찾아 헤매다 혹은 뒤지다 라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
If you poke around or poke about for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around.
poke around = look or search around
I've been poking around in the library looking for some statistics. I don't mind if you look in my drawer for a paper clip, but please don't poke about.
If you poke around or poke about for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around.
poke around = look or search around
I've been poking around in the library looking for some statistics. I don't mind if you look in my drawer for a paper clip, but please don't poke about.
Idiom 157: fair enough
일상생활에서 직장에서 아주 많이 사용하는 표현입니다. 이 글을 쓰기 전에도 회사동료가 쓰는 것을 보고 생각이 나서 이렇게 올려놓습니다. 어떤 제안에 대해 '됐어'라는 표현으로 많이 사용합니다. 어떤 아이디어나 제안이 합당하다고 느낄 때 동의의 뜻으로 씁니다.
This expression is used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable.
This expression is used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable.
2009년 11월 5일 목요일
Common error 56: hyperventilate vs. hypoventilate
hyperventilate: to breathe at an abnormally rapid rate
hypoventilate: to breathe at an abnormally slow rate
hypoventilate: to breathe at an abnormally slow rate
Common error 55: Hyperthermia vs. Hypothermia
hyperthermia: having an abnormally high body temperature 이상(異常) 고열
hypothermia: having an abnormally low body temperature 저체온(증)
hypothermia: having an abnormally low body temperature 저체온(증)
Idiom 156: bite one's tongue
하고 싶은 말이 있어도 꾹참는다는 표현입니다. 나중에 후회하는 말을 삼가하는 것이 좋겠지요. 특히 아이들에게나 사랑하는 사람에게.
bite one's tongue = keep oneself from speaking
I had to bite my tongue in order not to tell him that he won the raffle.
raffle = lottery
bite one's tongue = keep oneself from speaking
I had to bite my tongue in order not to tell him that he won the raffle.
raffle = lottery
2009년 11월 4일 수요일
Idiom 155: run ragged
지치고 피곤하다라고 할 때 사용하지요. tired대신에 많이 사용합니다.
run ragged = tire = exhaust
I haven't had a day off in 2 months and feel like I'm running ragged.
run ragged = tire = exhaust
I haven't had a day off in 2 months and feel like I'm running ragged.
Idiom 154: put one's finger on
어떠한 사실을 확실히 지적할 때 사용합니다.
put one's finger on = find precisely = remember exactly
She didn't know what was causing the problem, but she finally put her finger on it.
put one's finger on = find precisely = remember exactly
She didn't know what was causing the problem, but she finally put her finger on it.
2009년 11월 3일 화요일
Idiom 153: fly off the handle
발끈하다라고 할 때 사용합니다. 예전에 배웠던 hit the ceiling이란 표현도 같은 뜻이구요.
fly off the handle = get angry
Her mother flew off the handle when she found out that her daughter dropped out of college.
fly off the handle = get angry
Her mother flew off the handle when she found out that her daughter dropped out of college.
2009년 11월 2일 월요일
Idiom 152: old flame
상황: 옛애인을 가리킬 때 사용합니다. ex boyfriend or ex girfriend라고도 하죠.
old flame = someone with whom you once had a romantic relationship = former boyfriend or girlfriend
She bumped into an old flame at the shopping mall.
old flame = someone with whom you once had a romantic relationship = former boyfriend or girlfriend
She bumped into an old flame at the shopping mall.
Idiom 151: let someone off the hook
상황: 용의선상에서 벗어나다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
let someone off the hook = excuse from a penalty or promise
Because this eas his first criminal offense, he was let off the hook.
let someone off the hook = excuse from a penalty or promise
Because this eas his first criminal offense, he was let off the hook.
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