2009년 10월 6일 화요일

Common errors 43: Especially vs. Specially

두 단어는 의미에 있어서 매우 비슷하고 때로는 겹치지만 이러한 문장에서 사용될 때에는 주의를 하셔야 합니다.

I bought the car especially for you (=for you alone).

We are awaiting a specially commissioned report (= for a special purpose).

Common errors 42: Epigram vs. Epitaph

epigram: a short witty saying 경구 (警句)

epitaph: an inscription on a tombstone 비명 (碑銘) , 비문 (碑文)

Idiom 123: Hang on

상황: 요즘과 같이 경제가 어려운 가운데 견디어내라는 의미로 쓰일 수 있겠지요.

hang on = persevere = be persistent = refuse to stop

During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business, but somehow or other they were able to hang on.

Common errors 41: Eerie vs. Eyrie

eerie: strange = weird = disturbing 이상한, 등골이 오싹한

eyrie: an eagle’s nest 둥지

Idiom 122: Show job

상황: 누구와 대화를 할 경우 성의없게 대충 대충 대화하는 경우를 볼 수가 있지요. 이런 대화를 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다.

show job = insincere talk

The salesman tried to convince a group of investors that the properties he was selling would soon be worth much more money than he was asking. However, no one bought anything from him because they felt he was giving them a show job.