상황: 오늘은 금요일 입니다. 더군다나 다음주 월요일은 기다리던 휴일, Labor day입니다. 지치고 힘들지만 이번 금요일은 그 어느때보다 즐거운 금요일이 되겠지요. 더군다나 월요일에 휴일낀 금요일은 일찍 끝나는 회사가 대부분이죠. 저희 회사도 그렇습니다. 힘들다라고 말할 때 tired라고 쓰는데 다른 표현을 한번 써 보는 것이 어떨까요?
run-down = tired (쇠약해진 혹은 황폐한(ruined) 이라는 뜻도 있습니다)
A tired, run-down body is like a car that needs a tune-up; it does not function efficiently.
2009년 9월 4일 금요일
Idiom 66: Out on a limb
상황: 위험한 상황에 처해 있을 경우에 이 표현을 씁니다.
out on a limb = in a dangerous or risky position
He really went out on a limb to offer his brother the job.
Every time we talk you go further out on a limb.
out on a limb = in a dangerous or risky position
He really went out on a limb to offer his brother the job.
Every time we talk you go further out on a limb.
Common errors 13: Callous or Callus
callous: cruel, insensitive, not caring about how others feel 무감각한, 냉담 [무정] 한
callus: a hard patch of skin or tissue 피부 경결 (硬結)
an unwanted area of thick skin, usually on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, which has been caused by something rubbing against it
callus: a hard patch of skin or tissue 피부 경결 (硬結)
an unwanted area of thick skin, usually on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, which has been caused by something rubbing against it
Idiom 65: Make ends meet
상황: 요즘같이 경기가 좋지 않을 때에는 수입과 지출의 균형을 맞추는 것이 좋겠지요. bill을 지불할 정도로 수입을 벌거나 수입에 맞추어 근근히 살아가다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
make ends meet = have enough money to cover expenses = get through the pay period = pay one’s bills
A: Things are so expensive nowadays that it’s very difficult to make ends meet.
B: You know, even with Lucie’s salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay allthe bills.
make ends meet = have enough money to cover expenses = get through the pay period = pay one’s bills
A: Things are so expensive nowadays that it’s very difficult to make ends meet.
B: You know, even with Lucie’s salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay allthe bills.
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