2009년 8월 29일 토요일

Common errors 7: Avenge vs. Revenge

avenge: often used in the sense of just retribution, punishing a wrong done to another

Hamlet felt bound to avenge his father’s death.

revenge: often used in the sense of ‘getting one’s own back’ for a petty offence

Idiom 49: Chick-flick

상황: 주말에는 영화가시는 분들도 계실 것입니다. 여러가지 영화 장르가 있는데 그 장르에 대해서 알아보면 다음과 같습니다.

chick-flick = a movie that might appeal to girlds and women = a women's movie or a girl movie
romp = a fun, lively, playful film
tear jerker = a film with sentimenal or sad scenes that makes one cry
guy film = a film, often with action and violence, that's made to attract male audience