2009년 12월 9일 수요일

Idiom 190: bat a thousand

완벽하다라는 뜻입니다.

bat a thousand = have a perfect record

He is so happy that everyone he invited to the party is coming. He's batting a thousand.

Idiom 189: have the heart to

~을 할 용기가 있다란 뜻입니다.

have the heart to = keep secretly ready for the right time

I know there was just a death in her family. I don't have the heart to ask her when she is coming back to work.

2009년 12월 8일 화요일

Idiom 188: tip someone off

알려주다, 경고하다라는 표현입니다.

tip someone off = warn = inform

The buglars were arrested because the police were tipped off.

Idiom 187: throw one's weight around

권력을 휘두르다라는 뜻을 가지고 있습니다.

throw one's weight around = use one's influence in a showy manner

Because she was the boss's daughter, she liked throwing her weight around the office and tell everyone what to do.

2009년 12월 5일 토요일

Idiom 186: out of sorts

활기가 없거나 풀죽은 언짢은 상태를 가리킬 때 사용합니다..

out of sorts = in a bad mood = irritable

I haven't been feeling very happy lately. I am out of sorts.

2009년 12월 4일 금요일

Idiom 185: bank on it

누구를 기대하다라는 뜻입니다. count on을 더 많이 사용하기도 하지요.

bank on it = be sure of = count on

I'll be there to help you. You can bank on it.

Idiom 184: breathe a word

무엇을 말하다 누설하다라는 표현이고 뒤에 against를 붙이면 불평을 하다란 뜻도 됩니다.

breathe a word = tell
breathe a word against = complain

Please don't breathe a word of this to anyone.

2009년 12월 3일 목요일

Idiom 183: make up one's mind

많이 사용하는 표현이죠. 결심하다라는 뜻이구요..

make up one's mind = decide

She hasn't made up her mind as to what university she will be attending.

Idiom 182: in the bag

확실시 되는 상황을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다.

in the bag = certain = sure = definite

The job interview went very well and I think I will be hired. I am confident that it's in the bag.

2009년 12월 2일 수요일

Idiom 181: think up

새로운 계획을 생각해 내거나 발명하다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.

think up = invent = create

The theme for this year's party will not work. We need to think up a new idea.

Idiom 180: pitch in

pitch in = help

Everyone needs to pitch in so that we can get the work done and go home.