완벽하다라는 뜻입니다.
bat a thousand = have a perfect record
He is so happy that everyone he invited to the party is coming. He's batting a thousand.
2009년 12월 9일 수요일
Idiom 189: have the heart to
~을 할 용기가 있다란 뜻입니다.
have the heart to = keep secretly ready for the right time
I know there was just a death in her family. I don't have the heart to ask her when she is coming back to work.
have the heart to = keep secretly ready for the right time
I know there was just a death in her family. I don't have the heart to ask her when she is coming back to work.
2009년 12월 8일 화요일
Idiom 188: tip someone off
알려주다, 경고하다라는 표현입니다.
tip someone off = warn = inform
The buglars were arrested because the police were tipped off.
tip someone off = warn = inform
The buglars were arrested because the police were tipped off.
Idiom 187: throw one's weight around
권력을 휘두르다라는 뜻을 가지고 있습니다.
throw one's weight around = use one's influence in a showy manner
Because she was the boss's daughter, she liked throwing her weight around the office and tell everyone what to do.
throw one's weight around = use one's influence in a showy manner
Because she was the boss's daughter, she liked throwing her weight around the office and tell everyone what to do.
2009년 12월 5일 토요일
Idiom 186: out of sorts
활기가 없거나 풀죽은 언짢은 상태를 가리킬 때 사용합니다..
out of sorts = in a bad mood = irritable
I haven't been feeling very happy lately. I am out of sorts.
out of sorts = in a bad mood = irritable
I haven't been feeling very happy lately. I am out of sorts.
2009년 12월 4일 금요일
Idiom 185: bank on it
누구를 기대하다라는 뜻입니다. count on을 더 많이 사용하기도 하지요.
bank on it = be sure of = count on
I'll be there to help you. You can bank on it.
bank on it = be sure of = count on
I'll be there to help you. You can bank on it.
Idiom 184: breathe a word
무엇을 말하다 누설하다라는 표현이고 뒤에 against를 붙이면 불평을 하다란 뜻도 됩니다.
breathe a word = tell
breathe a word against = complain
Please don't breathe a word of this to anyone.
breathe a word = tell
breathe a word against = complain
Please don't breathe a word of this to anyone.
2009년 12월 3일 목요일
Idiom 183: make up one's mind
많이 사용하는 표현이죠. 결심하다라는 뜻이구요..
make up one's mind = decide
She hasn't made up her mind as to what university she will be attending.
make up one's mind = decide
She hasn't made up her mind as to what university she will be attending.
Idiom 182: in the bag
확실시 되는 상황을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
in the bag = certain = sure = definite
The job interview went very well and I think I will be hired. I am confident that it's in the bag.
in the bag = certain = sure = definite
The job interview went very well and I think I will be hired. I am confident that it's in the bag.
2009년 12월 2일 수요일
Idiom 181: think up
새로운 계획을 생각해 내거나 발명하다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
think up = invent = create
The theme for this year's party will not work. We need to think up a new idea.
think up = invent = create
The theme for this year's party will not work. We need to think up a new idea.
Idiom 180: pitch in
pitch in = help
Everyone needs to pitch in so that we can get the work done and go home.
Everyone needs to pitch in so that we can get the work done and go home.
2009년 11월 25일 수요일
Idiom 179: on the fritz
못쓰게 만들거나 고장난 상태를 가리킬 사용합니다.
on the fritz = not working correctly = out of order
The ice is melting in our freezer. I think it is on the fritz.
on the fritz = not working correctly = out of order
The ice is melting in our freezer. I think it is on the fritz.
2009년 11월 23일 월요일
Idiom 178: walk all over someone
어떠한 좋은 의도를 나쁘게 이용하는 경우를 가리킬 사용합니다.
walk all over someone = take advantage of someone
He loves her so much and she walks all over him.
walk all over someone = take advantage of someone
He loves her so much and she walks all over him.
Idiom 177: twiddle one's thumbs
일하지 않는 바쁘지 않는 상황을 가리킬 때 사용합니다. 직역을 하시면 의역이 되겠지요. 손가락을 빙빙 돌리는 상상을 하시면 어떤 때 그렇게 할까요... 할일없어서 빈들빈들 놀때.
twiddle one's thumbs = not busy = not working
Our department has gotten slow this season. All we are doing is twiddling our thumbs.
twiddle one's thumbs = not busy = not working
Our department has gotten slow this season. All we are doing is twiddling our thumbs.
2009년 11월 21일 토요일
Idiom 176: will power
마음의 힘..심력을 말할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 교육에서는 심력은 12세 미만에 길러진다고 하네요.
will power or willpower = stength of mind
Some people say you need a lot of will power to quit smoking.
will power or willpower = stength of mind
Some people say you need a lot of will power to quit smoking.
2009년 11월 20일 금요일
Idiom 175: floor someone
당황하다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 특히 수동태로 사용되구요.
floor someone = surprise = confuse
I was floored when I found out they had made me a surprise birthday party.
floor someone = surprise = confuse
I was floored when I found out they had made me a surprise birthday party.
Idiom 173: odds and ends
잡동사니란 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
odds and ends = miscellaneous
You can refer to a disorganized group of things of various kinds as odds and ends.
I have some odds and ends around my house that I would like to sell.
odds and ends = miscellaneous
You can refer to a disorganized group of things of various kinds as odds and ends.
I have some odds and ends around my house that I would like to sell.
Idiom 172: mean business
진정이다...라는 표현으로 I'm serious라고 많이 쓰죠. 같은 뜻으로 많이 사용하는 표현입니다.
mean business = be serious
He told his son that he had to finish all of his homework before he went out to play and he meant business.
mean business = be serious
He told his son that he had to finish all of his homework before he went out to play and he meant business.
2009년 11월 19일 목요일
Idiom 171: pinch pennies
지출을 극도로 줄이는 것을 가리킵니다. 특히 요즘같이 경기가 좋지 않을때 현명한 방법이겠지요.
pinch pennies = be thrifty, careful how you spend money
If you spend your time pinching pennies, eventually, you'll have a lot of money.
pinch pennies = be thrifty, careful how you spend money
If you spend your time pinching pennies, eventually, you'll have a lot of money.
Common error 59: imply vs. infer
imply: to hint at it 의미하다, 암시하다
She IMPLIED that there were strong moral objections to his appointment but didn’t say so in so many words.
infer: to draw a conclusion 추론하다, 추리하다
Am I to INFER from what you say that he is unsuitable for the post?
She IMPLIED that there were strong moral objections to his appointment but didn’t say so in so many words.
infer: to draw a conclusion 추론하다, 추리하다
Am I to INFER from what you say that he is unsuitable for the post?
Common error 58: imaginary vs. imaginative
imaginary: existing only in the imagination 상상의, 가공의
imaginative: showing or having a vivid imagination, being creative, origin 상상의, 상상력이 풍부한, 상상하기 좋아하는
imaginative: showing or having a vivid imagination, being creative, origin 상상의, 상상력이 풍부한, 상상하기 좋아하는
Idiom 170: throw cold water on
어떤 일을 하는데 격려하지 않는 경우에 사용하는 표현입니다. 찬물을 끼얹는 경우를 가리킬 때이지요.
throw cold water on = discourage
I really don't want to throw cold water on your business propsal, but I really don't think that it is a good idea.
throw cold water on = discourage
I really don't want to throw cold water on your business propsal, but I really don't think that it is a good idea.
Idiom 169: put up a good front
어떤 상황에서 그렇지 않은데 그런것처럼 하는 때가 있으실 것입니다. 행복하지 않은데도 행복한 것처럼 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
put up a good front = pretend tp be happy = fool people about one's status
Even though she is upset about the fight she had with her friend, she put up a good front and smiled the whole time they were together.
put up a good front = pretend tp be happy = fool people about one's status
Even though she is upset about the fight she had with her friend, she put up a good front and smiled the whole time they were together.
Idiom 168: put down
put down = make someone look bad = criticize
He embarrassed her by putting her down in front of her family.
He embarrassed her by putting her down in front of her family.
2009년 11월 16일 월요일
Idiom 167: lose one's shirt
돈을 잃다란 뜻입니다.
lose one's shirt = lose all one's money
He put his lifetime savings into the restaurant. When it failed, he lost his shirt.
lose one's shirt = lose all one's money
He put his lifetime savings into the restaurant. When it failed, he lost his shirt.
Idiom 166: get in the swing of things
적응하다라는 뜻입니다.
get in the swing of things = adapt or adjust to a new environment
After working two weeks in the new department, I finally got in the swing of things.
get in the swing of things = adapt or adjust to a new environment
After working two weeks in the new department, I finally got in the swing of things.
2009년 11월 12일 목요일
Idiom 165: go-getter
야망이 있는 사람이나 수완이 좋은 사람을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
go-getter = ambitious person = a person whose career progresses rapidly
She is the most successful salesperson I've ever seen. She's a real go-getter.
go-getter = ambitious person = a person whose career progresses rapidly
She is the most successful salesperson I've ever seen. She's a real go-getter.
2009년 11월 11일 수요일
Common error 57: Illegible vs. Ineligible
illegible: not able to be read
ineligible: not properly qualified
ineligible: not properly qualified
Idiom 164: to the hilt
자루밑까지 철저히란 뜻입니다.
to the hilt = completely = thoroughly = to the limit
He's borrowed a lot of money against his house. He is mortgaged to the hilt!
to the hilt = completely = thoroughly = to the limit
He's borrowed a lot of money against his house. He is mortgaged to the hilt!
Idiom 163: throw the book at
엄벌에 처하라는 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
throw the book at = punish severely for breaking rules or the law = apply the harshest possible punishment to
They have a lot of evidence against that criminal. They are going to throw the book at him at the trial.
throw the book at = punish severely for breaking rules or the law = apply the harshest possible punishment to
They have a lot of evidence against that criminal. They are going to throw the book at him at the trial.
2009년 11월 10일 화요일
Idiom 162: stuck
이해하지 못하다라고 할 때 쓰는 간단한 표현입니다...
stuck = unable to to understand
I am stuck on this math problem and I cannot figure it out.
stuck = unable to to understand
I am stuck on this math problem and I cannot figure it out.
Idiom 161: shook up
흔히 upset이란 단어를 사용하는 당황하게 하다라는 뜻을 가진 표현입니다. 정신이 동요되어 있거나 마음이 산란한 상태를 가리킵니다.
shook up = upset = worried fearful
I got all shook up when I heard the awful news.
shook up = upset = worried fearful
I got all shook up when I heard the awful news.
2009년 11월 9일 월요일
Idiom 160: off one's rocker
미쳐서, 열광해서, 흥분해서란 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
off one's rocker = crazy
He is off his rocker if he thinks I'm going to help him decorate for the party.
off one's rocker = crazy
He is off his rocker if he thinks I'm going to help him decorate for the party.
Idiom 159: have someone's number
어떤 사람의 속셈을 간파하다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
have (or get) someone's number = know what kind of person someone is
He doesn't think anyone knows, but I know he stole the material for the book. I've got his number.
have (or get) someone's number = know what kind of person someone is
He doesn't think anyone knows, but I know he stole the material for the book. I've got his number.
2009년 11월 6일 금요일
Idiom 158: poke around
무언인가를 찾아 헤매다 혹은 뒤지다 라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
If you poke around or poke about for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around.
poke around = look or search around
I've been poking around in the library looking for some statistics. I don't mind if you look in my drawer for a paper clip, but please don't poke about.
If you poke around or poke about for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around.
poke around = look or search around
I've been poking around in the library looking for some statistics. I don't mind if you look in my drawer for a paper clip, but please don't poke about.
Idiom 157: fair enough
일상생활에서 직장에서 아주 많이 사용하는 표현입니다. 이 글을 쓰기 전에도 회사동료가 쓰는 것을 보고 생각이 나서 이렇게 올려놓습니다. 어떤 제안에 대해 '됐어'라는 표현으로 많이 사용합니다. 어떤 아이디어나 제안이 합당하다고 느낄 때 동의의 뜻으로 씁니다.
This expression is used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable.
This expression is used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable.
2009년 11월 5일 목요일
Common error 56: hyperventilate vs. hypoventilate
hyperventilate: to breathe at an abnormally rapid rate
hypoventilate: to breathe at an abnormally slow rate
hypoventilate: to breathe at an abnormally slow rate
Common error 55: Hyperthermia vs. Hypothermia
hyperthermia: having an abnormally high body temperature 이상(異常) 고열
hypothermia: having an abnormally low body temperature 저체온(증)
hypothermia: having an abnormally low body temperature 저체온(증)
Idiom 156: bite one's tongue
하고 싶은 말이 있어도 꾹참는다는 표현입니다. 나중에 후회하는 말을 삼가하는 것이 좋겠지요. 특히 아이들에게나 사랑하는 사람에게.
bite one's tongue = keep oneself from speaking
I had to bite my tongue in order not to tell him that he won the raffle.
raffle = lottery
bite one's tongue = keep oneself from speaking
I had to bite my tongue in order not to tell him that he won the raffle.
raffle = lottery
2009년 11월 4일 수요일
Idiom 155: run ragged
지치고 피곤하다라고 할 때 사용하지요. tired대신에 많이 사용합니다.
run ragged = tire = exhaust
I haven't had a day off in 2 months and feel like I'm running ragged.
run ragged = tire = exhaust
I haven't had a day off in 2 months and feel like I'm running ragged.
Idiom 154: put one's finger on
어떠한 사실을 확실히 지적할 때 사용합니다.
put one's finger on = find precisely = remember exactly
She didn't know what was causing the problem, but she finally put her finger on it.
put one's finger on = find precisely = remember exactly
She didn't know what was causing the problem, but she finally put her finger on it.
2009년 11월 3일 화요일
Idiom 153: fly off the handle
발끈하다라고 할 때 사용합니다. 예전에 배웠던 hit the ceiling이란 표현도 같은 뜻이구요.
fly off the handle = get angry
Her mother flew off the handle when she found out that her daughter dropped out of college.
fly off the handle = get angry
Her mother flew off the handle when she found out that her daughter dropped out of college.
2009년 11월 2일 월요일
Idiom 152: old flame
상황: 옛애인을 가리킬 때 사용합니다. ex boyfriend or ex girfriend라고도 하죠.
old flame = someone with whom you once had a romantic relationship = former boyfriend or girlfriend
She bumped into an old flame at the shopping mall.
old flame = someone with whom you once had a romantic relationship = former boyfriend or girlfriend
She bumped into an old flame at the shopping mall.
Idiom 151: let someone off the hook
상황: 용의선상에서 벗어나다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
let someone off the hook = excuse from a penalty or promise
Because this eas his first criminal offense, he was let off the hook.
let someone off the hook = excuse from a penalty or promise
Because this eas his first criminal offense, he was let off the hook.
2009년 10월 27일 화요일
Idiom 150: Rack one's brain
상황: 어떠한 순간에 쉽게 써왔던 무언가를 생각해 내려고 했던 경험이 있으실 것입니다. 친한 친구의 전화번호, 집 전화번호, 심지어 자기 셀폰번호등등. 이런 경우를 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
rack one's brain = try to hard to think or remember
I racked my brain to remember who I was supposed to call back.
2009년 10월 26일 월요일
Common errors 54: Historic vs. Historical
historic means famous in history, memorable, or likely to go down in recorded history
a historic meeting
historical means existing in the past or representing something that could have happened in the past
a historical novel
a historical fact
a historic meeting
historical means existing in the past or representing something that could have happened in the past
a historical novel
a historical fact
Idiom 149: Have it made
상황: 어떤 하는 것에 성공하는 것을 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현으로 만사형통이라고도 하죠.
have it made = have accomplished all there is to do = be sure of success = have everything
Ever since she won the lottery, she can do whatever she wants. She has it made.
have it made = have accomplished all there is to do = be sure of success = have everything
Ever since she won the lottery, she can do whatever she wants. She has it made.
Idiom 148: Hard feelings
상황: 어떤 사람에 대해 적의를 가지고 있다라고 표현할 때 씁니다.
hard feelings = anger = bitterness
I know we had our differences, but I hope there are not any hard feelings.
hard feelings = anger = bitterness
I know we had our differences, but I hope there are not any hard feelings.
2009년 10월 23일 금요일
Idiom 147: Let on
상황: 어떤 비밀을 누설한다라고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
let on = reveal = inform = tell
She let on that she knew my secret.
let on = reveal = inform = tell
She let on that she knew my secret.
Idiom 146: Good sport
상황: 여러분들이 어떤 시합을 다른 사람과 하고 졌을 때에도 다른 사람에게 축하한다고 할 수 있는 사람을 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 우리 모두 이런 사람이 되어야겠지요.
good sport = someone who exhibits polite behaviour even or especially when things go wrong
Even though I beat you in the game, you still congratulated me. You are a good sport.
good sport = someone who exhibits polite behaviour even or especially when things go wrong
Even though I beat you in the game, you still congratulated me. You are a good sport.
2009년 10월 22일 목요일
Idiom 145: Swan song
상황: 백조노래? 무슨 뜻일까요? 어떤 배우가 영화에서 마지막으로 출연한 영화를 가리킬 때나 어떤 시인이나 작곡가들이 남겨놓는 마지막 작품이나 최후의 업적을 가리킬 때 사용합니다.
swan song = final appearance
The actress died after completing the role in this movie. This was her swan song.
swan song = final appearance
The actress died after completing the role in this movie. This was her swan song.
Idiom 144: Spine chilling
상황: 뼈가 추울정도로 무서운 것을 가리킬 때 사용합니다. 소름이 끼친다라고 하는 표현이지요.
spine chilling = terrifying = thrilling
I don't think that young children should see this movie. It is spine chilling.
spine chilling = terrifying = thrilling
I don't think that young children should see this movie. It is spine chilling.
2009년 10월 21일 수요일
Idiom 143: Miss out on
상황: 살아가다보면 여러 기회가 올 것입니다. 이런 기회나 가고 싶은 좋은 행사같은 가치가 있는 것을 놓쳤을 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
miss out on = lose an opportunity = miss a worthwhile event
It is too bad you couldn't make it to the reunion because you missed out on a good time.
miss out on = lose an opportunity = miss a worthwhile event
It is too bad you couldn't make it to the reunion because you missed out on a good time.
Common errors 52: Gourmand vs. Gourmet
gourmand: greedy and overindulges where fine food is concerned
gourmet: a connoisseur of fine food
gourmet: a connoisseur of fine food
Idiom 142: Tooth and nail
상황: 열심히 전력을 다하여 필사적으로 어떤 일을 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
tooth and nail = as hard as possible = fiercely
Although they were going to take that an account away from me, I fought tooth and nail to keep it.
tooth and nail = as hard as possible = fiercely
Although they were going to take that an account away from me, I fought tooth and nail to keep it.
2009년 10월 19일 월요일
Idiom 141: Spruce up
상황: 옷을 잘 차려 입거나 잘 단정한다고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
Spruce up = clean = redecorate
We wanted to make our home look good for the holiday party. We spent days sprucing it up.
Spruce up = clean = redecorate
We wanted to make our home look good for the holiday party. We spent days sprucing it up.
Idiom 140: Shape up
상황: 어떠한 상태에서 더 나은 상태로 나아가기를 시작할 때를 나타내는 표현입니다.
형태를 이루다, 구체화하다, 발전하다
shape up = begin to act and look right
The school boy was hitting other children and talking out in class. He was told by the teacher that he better shape up or he will have to stand in the hallway.
형태를 이루다, 구체화하다, 발전하다
shape up = begin to act and look right
The school boy was hitting other children and talking out in class. He was told by the teacher that he better shape up or he will have to stand in the hallway.
2009년 10월 16일 금요일
Idiom 139: Side with
상황: 직장이나 가정이나 학교에서 누군가의 편을 드는 경우를 보실 수 있으실 것입니다. 이렇게 누군가의 편을 든다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 편애하다라고 할 때도 사용하겠지요.
side with = favor = support one position in a dispute
My father always sided with my sister even though he knew she was wrong.
side with = favor = support one position in a dispute
My father always sided with my sister even though he knew she was wrong.
Idiom 138: Play the field
상황: 여러분들이나 아이들이 이성과 교제할 때 두가지 길이 있을 것입니다. 한 이성과 꾸준히 교제하는 것이나 아니면 여러 이성과 교제하는 것. 여러분들은 어떤 길을 선호하시나요? 한명의 이성과 데이트 하는 것은 go steady라고 합니다.
play the field = go out with many people romantically
She is not dating anyone seriously and is still playing the field.
play the field = go out with many people romantically
She is not dating anyone seriously and is still playing the field.
2009년 10월 15일 목요일
Idiom 137: Gung ho
상황: 매우 열성적이고 열렬한 상태를 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 화이팅하면서 응원할 때도 쓰입니다. 그리고 어떤 일이 순조로울 때도 쓰는 표현입니다.
gung ho = very enthusiastic and dedicated
He thinks his team is the best in the league. He is really gung ho this season.
The business is going gung ho.
gung ho = very enthusiastic and dedicated
He thinks his team is the best in the league. He is really gung ho this season.
The business is going gung ho.
2009년 10월 14일 수요일
Idiom 136: Get even
상황: 보복할 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 예를 들어 메이저리그 경기에서 New York 양키스가 Boston 레드삭스에게 어웨이(away)경기에서 패했을 경우 홈경기에서 설욕을 다짐한다고 할 때 사용할수가 있겠지요.
get even = get revenge
I was so upset when she insulted me last week. I want to get even with her.
I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even.
get even = get revenge
I was so upset when she insulted me last week. I want to get even with her.
I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even.
논문이나 글을 editing 하시기를 원하시는 분들을 위한 글입니다. 제 연구소 동료(싱가폴)가 부업으로 편집을 하는데 아주 저렴한 가격으로 해드립니다. 혹시 관심이 있으시면 제 이메일로 연락을 주시면 동료 이메일과 함께 자세히 알려드리겠습니다. us.life.english@gmail.com
2009년 10월 13일 화요일
Common errors 50: Forbear vs. Forebear
forbear: (stress on second syllable) restrain oneself
forebear: (stress on first syllable) ancestor
forebear: (stress on first syllable) ancestor
Common errors 49: Flu vs. Flue
flu: influenza (not ’flu although an abbreviation)
flue: a pipe or duct for smoke and gases
flue: a pipe or duct for smoke and gases
Idiom 135: Hand to mouth
상황: 하루하루 근근히 살아가는 생활을 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
hand to mouth = barely able to cover basic expenses
That family is struggling since the father lost his job. I hear that they're living hand to mouth.
hand to mouth = barely able to cover basic expenses
That family is struggling since the father lost his job. I hear that they're living hand to mouth.
Idiom 134: Carry away
상황: 직접적인 뜻으로는 유괴하다 납치하다라는 뜻이 있지만 어떤 연기나 연설로 감동시키는 경우를 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 넋을 잃게 하다. 그렇지만 강한 감정으로 인해서 나쁘게 영향을 미치는 경우에도 사용됩니다.
carried away = adversely influenced by strong emotion
He was carried away by his effective sales approach and bought the remainder of his products.
carried away = adversely influenced by strong emotion
He was carried away by his effective sales approach and bought the remainder of his products.
Idiom 133: Call the shots
상황: 누구에겐가 명령을 하거나 지휘를 할 경우에 쓰이는 표현입니다. 특히 결정권을 가지고 있다라고 많이 사용합니다. 비슷한 의미로 You are the boss라고 하지않을까 합니다...
call the shots = exercise authority = be in charge = giver orders
We knew who the supervisor was because she called all the shots.
call the shots = exercise authority = be in charge = giver orders
We knew who the supervisor was because she called all the shots.
Idiom 132: Bite the dust
상황: 죽거나 사라지는 경우를 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 그리고 TV가 오래되거나 어떠한 이유로 완전히 간 경우를 가리키기도 하지요.
bite the dust = die = disappear
Our old TV didn't work yesterday. I guess it finally bit the dust.
bite the dust = die = disappear
Our old TV didn't work yesterday. I guess it finally bit the dust.
2009년 10월 12일 월요일
Common errors 48: Fictional vs. Fictitious
fictional: invented for the purpose of fiction, related to fiction
fictitious: false, not true
fictitious: false, not true
Common errors 47: Fiance vs. Fiancee
fiance: a man who is engaged to be married
fiancee: a woman who is engaged to be married
fiancee: a woman who is engaged to be married
Idiom 131: Make a dent in
상황: 음푹 들어가게 하다라는 뜻의 의역은 무엇일까요? 어떤 영향을 주는 것인데 어떤 일에 돌파구를 마련했을 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 진척을 이룰 때말이죠...
make a dent in = make progress
I have got a lot of work to do, but I made a dent in it last night.
make a dent in = make progress
I have got a lot of work to do, but I made a dent in it last night.
Idiom 130: Crocodile tears
상황: 어린 아이를 집안에 가지신 부모님들은 잘 아실 것입니다. 억지로 흘리는 눈물... 아프지도 않은데 아픈 것 같이 하면서 억지로 짜아내는 눈물을 표현할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
crocodile tears = false or insincere weeping
He cried crocodile tears when he discovered that he couldn't go to the meeting.
crocodile tears = false or insincere weeping
He cried crocodile tears when he discovered that he couldn't go to the meeting.
2009년 10월 11일 일요일
Idiom 129: sore loser
상황: 슬픈패자란 뜻으로 공정한 경쟁에서의 패배로 주위에 잇는 모든 사람에게 불평하고 화를 내는 사람을 가리킬 때 쓰십니다. 예전에 고어부통령이 선거에서 패했을 때 많이 쓰였습니다.
sore loser = person who gets angry when he loses = someone who loses in a fair competition but whines about it on a constant basis, blaming everyone around them for their loss except themselves
That little girl is a sore loser. She cries every time whe doesn't win a game.
sore loser = person who gets angry when he loses = someone who loses in a fair competition but whines about it on a constant basis, blaming everyone around them for their loss except themselves
That little girl is a sore loser. She cries every time whe doesn't win a game.
2009년 10월 9일 금요일
Common error 46: Facilities vs. Faculties
facilities: amenities
faculties: mental or physical aptitudes
faculties: mental or physical aptitudes
Common errors 45: Exhausting vs. Exhaustive
exhausting: tiring
exhaustive: thorough, fully comprehensive
exhaustive: thorough, fully comprehensive
2009년 10월 8일 목요일
Idiom 128: Simmer down
상황: 시끄러운 상황에서 조용하게 할 경우에 '진정해''조용해'라고들 하죠. 특히 학교에서 선생님이 아이들에게 조용하게 하고 조용해졌을 때의 표현입니다. 그리고 화났을 경우에 진정된 상태를 말하기도 합니다.
simmer down = become quiet = calm
The teacher told the children to simmer down because they were too loud.
simmer down = become quiet = calm
The teacher told the children to simmer down because they were too loud.
2009년 10월 7일 수요일
Idiom 127: Crack down
상황: 어떤 경우에는 아이들을 사랑을 하면서도 엄하게 대하여 할 때가 있지요. 학교에서도 어떤 규칙에 대해서는 어겼을 경우에는 엄벌에 처하기도 하지요. 이렇게 엄하게 대할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
crack down = become stricter in making the group obey rules or laws = enforce more stringently or more thoroughly
The police are beginning to crack down on teenagers who are out too late at night.
crack down = become stricter in making the group obey rules or laws = enforce more stringently or more thoroughly
The police are beginning to crack down on teenagers who are out too late at night.
Idiom 126: Rip off
상황: 누군가를 속이다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
rip off = cheat
Thie product I bought doesn't work and is made poorly. I was ripped off.
rip off = cheat
Thie product I bought doesn't work and is made poorly. I was ripped off.
Common errors 44: Exceptionable vs. Exceptional
exceptionable: open to objection = liable to cause disapproval [보통 부정문] 《문어》 이의 (異議) 를 말할 수 있는, 비난의 여지가 있는, 바람직하지 않은
exceptional: unusual 예외적인, 특별한, 보통을 벗어난, 드문
exceptional: unusual 예외적인, 특별한, 보통을 벗어난, 드문
Idiom 125: Pull strings
상황: 배후에서 누군가를 조종한다라고 많이 사용하지요. 그럴때 사용하는 표현입니다.
pull strings = manipulate = secretly use influence and power
I'll see if I can pull strings so that you can get an interview.
pull strings = manipulate = secretly use influence and power
I'll see if I can pull strings so that you can get an interview.
Idiom 124: Off base
상황: 전혀 엉뚱한 혹은 부정확한으로 쓰입니다.
off base = inaccurate = completely wrong
If you think I paid one thousand dollars for this coat, you are way off base.
off base = inaccurate = completely wrong
If you think I paid one thousand dollars for this coat, you are way off base.
2009년 10월 6일 화요일
Common errors 43: Especially vs. Specially
두 단어는 의미에 있어서 매우 비슷하고 때로는 겹치지만 이러한 문장에서 사용될 때에는 주의를 하셔야 합니다.
I bought the car especially for you (=for you alone).
We are awaiting a specially commissioned report (= for a special purpose).
I bought the car especially for you (=for you alone).
We are awaiting a specially commissioned report (= for a special purpose).
Common errors 42: Epigram vs. Epitaph
epigram: a short witty saying 경구 (警句)
epitaph: an inscription on a tombstone 비명 (碑銘) , 비문 (碑文)
epitaph: an inscription on a tombstone 비명 (碑銘) , 비문 (碑文)
Idiom 123: Hang on
상황: 요즘과 같이 경제가 어려운 가운데 견디어내라는 의미로 쓰일 수 있겠지요.
hang on = persevere = be persistent = refuse to stop
During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business, but somehow or other they were able to hang on.
hang on = persevere = be persistent = refuse to stop
During the depression years the Smiths had a great deal of trouble with their business, but somehow or other they were able to hang on.
Common errors 41: Eerie vs. Eyrie
eerie: strange = weird = disturbing 이상한, 등골이 오싹한
eyrie: an eagle’s nest 둥지
eyrie: an eagle’s nest 둥지
Idiom 122: Show job
상황: 누구와 대화를 할 경우 성의없게 대충 대충 대화하는 경우를 볼 수가 있지요. 이런 대화를 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
show job = insincere talk
The salesman tried to convince a group of investors that the properties he was selling would soon be worth much more money than he was asking. However, no one bought anything from him because they felt he was giving them a show job.
show job = insincere talk
The salesman tried to convince a group of investors that the properties he was selling would soon be worth much more money than he was asking. However, no one bought anything from him because they felt he was giving them a show job.
2009년 10월 5일 월요일
Common errors 39: Emigrant vs. Immigrant
emigrant: a person who leaves his or her country to live in another
immigrant: a person who moves into a country to live permanently
immigrant: a person who moves into a country to live permanently
Idiom 121: Make a splash
상황: splash는 아시다시피 물을 뛰기는 것을 말합니다. 물을 뛰기게 하는 것을 무엇으로 하면 좋을까요? 일시적으로 깜짝 놀래키는 것 혹은 주위를 끄는 것을 말할 때 사용합니다.
make a splash = attract attention
It was finally published and I understand that it made quite a splash both domestically and abroad.
make a splash = attract attention
It was finally published and I understand that it made quite a splash both domestically and abroad.
Common errors 38: Effective vs. Effectual vs. Efficient
effective: able to produce a result 유효한, 효과적인
effectual: likely to be completely successful 효과적인, 충분한
efficient: working well without wasting time, money or effort 능률적인, 효율적인
effectual: likely to be completely successful 효과적인, 충분한
efficient: working well without wasting time, money or effort 능률적인, 효율적인
Idiom 120: Tongue in cheek
어디 다녀오느냐고 그동안 못올려놓았네요.
상황: 때로는 영어로 대화를 하다가 상대방이 하는 말이 장난끼가 섞인 것인지 아니면 진중한 것인지 잘 모르는 때가 있으실 것입니다. 특히 숙어를 모르는 경우 상대방이 놀리는 것인데도 불구하고 잘 모르는 경우가 많죠.
tongue in cheek = not serious
I didn’t mean to offend her. I was simply making a tounge-in-check remark when I said that it was too elaborate for a girl of her young, tender age.
상황: 때로는 영어로 대화를 하다가 상대방이 하는 말이 장난끼가 섞인 것인지 아니면 진중한 것인지 잘 모르는 때가 있으실 것입니다. 특히 숙어를 모르는 경우 상대방이 놀리는 것인데도 불구하고 잘 모르는 경우가 많죠.
tongue in cheek = not serious
I didn’t mean to offend her. I was simply making a tounge-in-check remark when I said that it was too elaborate for a girl of her young, tender age.
2009년 10월 1일 목요일
Common errors 37: Economic vs. Economical
economic: related to the economy of the country, or industry or business
economical: thrifty, avoiding extravagance
economical: thrifty, avoiding extravagance
2009년 9월 30일 수요일
Idiom 119: Take offense (at)
상황: hit the ceiling과 같이 성내는 상황입니다.
take offense at = get angry
She really took offense at what you said.
take offense at = get angry
She really took offense at what you said.
Idiom 118: Pull someone's leg
상황: 어떤 사람의 다리를 잡아 당긴다는 직역에서 우리는 무엇을 생각할 수 잇을까요? 누구를 놀리거나 누구를 속인다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
pull someone's leg = deceive = fool
A: Hey, Al. I was invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Peagant!
B: Oh, really? Come on, you’re pulling my leg!
pull someone's leg = deceive = fool
A: Hey, Al. I was invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Peagant!
B: Oh, really? Come on, you’re pulling my leg!
Idiom 117: Sitting pretty
상황: 어떠한 이유로 집안의 경제상태가 좋아져서 노력하지 않고 넉넉하게 산다고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
sitting pretty = in a fortunate position
A: I heard that Michael and Jennifer got a good price when they sold their house.
B: Yes, they did. Now they’re really sitting pretty. As a matter of fact, they’re thinking of going on a long vacation.
sitting pretty = in a fortunate position
A: I heard that Michael and Jennifer got a good price when they sold their house.
B: Yes, they did. Now they’re really sitting pretty. As a matter of fact, they’re thinking of going on a long vacation.
Common errors 35: Draft vs. Draught
draft: a first or subsequent attempt at a piece of written work before it is finished
draught: a current of cool air in a room
draught: a current of cool air in a room
Common errors 34: Displace vs. Misplace
displace: move someone or something from its usual place
misplace: put it in the wrong place
misplace: put it in the wrong place
2009년 9월 29일 화요일
Idiom 116: Not on your life
상황: 'No way'라는 표현은 아시고 많이 쓰실것 입니다. 같은 뜻입니다. 어림도 없다 당치도 않다라는 뜻.
not on your life = definitely not = no way
There is not a chance I am going to drive 4 hours to go to that party... not on your life.
not on your life = definitely not = no way
There is not a chance I am going to drive 4 hours to go to that party... not on your life.
Idiom 115: Nest egg
상황: 때로는 무언가를 위해서 돈이 필요할 때가 있습니다. 사업을 위해서 사업자금 밑천이 필요하고 학교에 가기 위해서 자금도 필요하지요. 이러한 여러 형태의 무슨 목적을 위해 모아둔 자금을 가리킬 때 사용합니다.
nest egg = savings = a fund of money put by as a reserve = extra money saved
They have a small nest egg saved up for their vacation.
nest egg = savings = a fund of money put by as a reserve = extra money saved
They have a small nest egg saved up for their vacation.
Idiom 114: Look into
상황: 아마도 많이 보시고 사용하시는 숙어일 것입니다. 무언가를 조사하라고 할 때 examine 혹은 investigate과 같이 많이 사용하는 숙어입니다.
look into = investigate = examine = check
If a person or organization is looking into a possible course of action, a problem, or a situation, they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it.
I'm going to look into the possibility of getting a scholarship for college.
look into = investigate = examine = check
If a person or organization is looking into a possible course of action, a problem, or a situation, they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it.
I'm going to look into the possibility of getting a scholarship for college.
Idiom 113: Get up and go
상황: 서두르다라는 뜻도 가지고 있지만 일어나서 가는 어떠한 에너지 열정등을 가리킬 사용합니다. 주로 붙여서 사용하기도 하구요. get-up-and-go.
get up and go = energy = enthusiasm = ambition = enthusiastic and energetic drive or ambition
She always seems so excited and motivated at work. She's got a lot of get up and go.
get up and go = energy = enthusiasm = ambition = enthusiastic and energetic drive or ambition
She always seems so excited and motivated at work. She's got a lot of get up and go.
Idiom 112: Clean up
상황: 대부분 깨끗히 치운다는 뜻을 가지는데 다른 뜻으로 사업을 할 때 큰 이익을 얻는 경우에 쓰이기도 합니다.
clean up = make a big profit
Since he started his new business, he's really cleaning up.
clean up = make a big profit
Since he started his new business, he's really cleaning up.
2009년 9월 28일 월요일
Common errors 33: Disinterested vs. Uninterested
disinterested: not involved in a particular situation or not likely to benefit from it and is therefore able to act in a fair and unselfish way = unaffected by self-interes 사심없는, 흥미없는
uninterested: ot having or showing interest 무관심한, 사심없는, 공평한
uninterested: ot having or showing interest 무관심한, 사심없는, 공평한
Idiom 111: Blow the whistle
상황: 휘슬을 불다..무슨 뜻일까요? 경기에서 선수에게 벌칙을 위해 호각을 부르는 직접적인 뜻이 있지만 여기서 알아봐야 할 것은 누설하다 폭로하다라는 뜻입니다.
blow the whistle = expose = betray
I just found out that he's been stealing from our company for the past year. I don't want it to continue and I've decided to blow the whistle.
blow the whistle = expose = betray
I just found out that he's been stealing from our company for the past year. I don't want it to continue and I've decided to blow the whistle.
Idiom 110: Tide over
상황: 요즘같은 불경기에서 재정적으로 많은 어려움을 겪고 계시는 분이 있겠지요. 이럴때 어려워하는 분을 재정적으로 도와줘서 어려움을 극복하게 해주는 것도 좋겠지요. 이렇게 누군가 재정적으로 도와주는 것을 표현할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
tide over = help someone through a shortage
If you do something for someone to tide them over, you help them through a period when they are having difficulties, especially by lending them money.
Can you please loan me $10 and tide me over until I get paid next week?
tide over = help someone through a shortage
If you do something for someone to tide them over, you help them through a period when they are having difficulties, especially by lending them money.
Can you please loan me $10 and tide me over until I get paid next week?
Idiom 109: Tickled pink
상황: 오늘 월요일입니다. 새롭게 시작하는 새로운 일주일에 즐거운 일만 있으시길 바랍니다. 크게 기뻐하거나 포복절도하다란 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
tickled pink = very happy
I wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home. I was tickled pink that the party had finally ended.
tickled pink = very happy
I wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home. I was tickled pink that the party had finally ended.
2009년 9월 27일 일요일
Idiom 108: Face the music
상황: 저번 것과 비슷한 표현으로 어떠한 곤경의 상황으로 나온 결과를 선선히 받아들일 때 사용합니다.
face the music = accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
It’s no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don’t listen, and now you’re going to have to face the music.
face the music = accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
It’s no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don’t listen, and now you’re going to have to face the music.
Idiom 107: Bite the bullet
상황: 사람이 살아나가 보면 싫은 상황이나 어려운 상황도 있습니다. 이러한 상황을 잘견디어 낼 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
bite a bullet = endure in a difficult situation
A: We really had a frightening experience when we went hunting last month.
B: What haddened?
A: We got lost in the wilderness and had to bite the bullet until help arrived.
B: Did you manage OK?
bite a bullet = endure in a difficult situation
A: We really had a frightening experience when we went hunting last month.
B: What haddened?
A: We got lost in the wilderness and had to bite the bullet until help arrived.
B: Did you manage OK?
2009년 9월 25일 금요일
Common errors 31: Discreet vs. Discrete
You are discreet if you can keep secrets and behave diplomatically. 사려있는 신중한
Subject areas are discrete if they are quite separate and unrelated. 분리된, 불연속의
Subject areas are discrete if they are quite separate and unrelated. 분리된, 불연속의
Common errors 30: Diagnosis vs. Prognosis
diagnosis: the identification of an illness or a difficulty
prognosis: the forecast of its likely development and effects
prognosis: the forecast of its likely development and effects
Idiom 106: Take the plunge
상황: 어떠한 상황에서는 과감한 결단이 필요하죠. 특히 결심을 단단히 하고 살을 빼는 것과 같이. 과감히 어떠한 행동을 할 때 쓰이는 표현입니다. 그리고 이 표현은 결혼하다라고 할 때도 쓰입니다.
take the plunge = do something decisive = get engaged
I realized I gained a lot of weight, so I finally took the plunge and decided to seriously go on a diet.
take the plunge = do something decisive = get engaged
I realized I gained a lot of weight, so I finally took the plunge and decided to seriously go on a diet.
2009년 9월 24일 목요일
Idiom 105: Eat someone
상황: 다시 감각을 발휘하셔서 다른 사람을 먹다? 다른 사람을 괴롭히다라고 표현할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
eat someone = bother and upset someone
A: Hey, Alice. What’s been eating you lately? Don’t you realize how rude and irritable you’ve become?
B: I know. I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been acting.
A: Well, why don’t you tell me what has been bothering and upsetting you and maybe we can work your problem out together.
A: I’ll admit that it would help to talk to someone about it.
eat someone = bother and upset someone
A: Hey, Alice. What’s been eating you lately? Don’t you realize how rude and irritable you’ve become?
B: I know. I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been acting.
A: Well, why don’t you tell me what has been bothering and upsetting you and maybe we can work your problem out together.
A: I’ll admit that it would help to talk to someone about it.
Idiom 104: Out of woods
상황: 표현을 보시고 어느 정도 에상을 하시겠지요. 영어는 감각인거 같습니다. 특히 숙어는요. 숲을 벗어나는 것은 '위험한 상황, 곤경에서 벗어난 것'을 뜻하겠지요.
out of woods = out of danger
Although Eric was well on his way to recovering from his bout with pneumonia, he was still not out of the woods.
pneumonia (폐렴)
out of woods = out of danger
Although Eric was well on his way to recovering from his bout with pneumonia, he was still not out of the woods.
pneumonia (폐렴)
2009년 9월 23일 수요일
Idiom 103: Shake a leg
상황: 다리를 흔드세요!! 무슨 뜻일까요? 서두를때 쓰는 표현입니다.
shake a leg = hurry = get busy = get going
A: Mary, you always take such a long time to put on your makeup. Come on, shake a leg!
B: I’ll be finished in a minute. Be patient.
shake a leg = hurry = get busy = get going
A: Mary, you always take such a long time to put on your makeup. Come on, shake a leg!
B: I’ll be finished in a minute. Be patient.
Idiom 102: Play it by ear
상황: 어떤 분들은 원리원칙대로 일을 처리하시기도 하고 어떤 분들은 그때그때 처한 사태에 맞추어 즉각 그 자리에서 결정하거나 처리하기도 합니다. 두번째의 경우 임기응변으로 한다고 하죠. 이럴 경우에 쓰는 표현입니다.
play it by ear = improvise as one goes along
A:Let’s go to the movies, agreed?
B: Sure. And what’ll we do after that?
A: Oh, I don’t know. Let’s play by the ear.
B: Well, I would like to have a more definite plan of action.
A: Don’t be like that. It’s always more fun not knowing what to expect and decidingwhat to do as we go along.
play it by ear = improvise as one goes along
A:Let’s go to the movies, agreed?
B: Sure. And what’ll we do after that?
A: Oh, I don’t know. Let’s play by the ear.
B: Well, I would like to have a more definite plan of action.
A: Don’t be like that. It’s always more fun not knowing what to expect and decidingwhat to do as we go along.
Common errors 29: Defective vs. Deficient
defective: not working properly
deficient: lacking something vital
deficient: lacking something vital
Idiom 101: Take after
상황: 서로 닮았다는 또 다른 표현입니다. 이 표현은 가장 보편적으로 쓰이지요. 다시 복습하시는 시간이 되시길.. chip off the old block, spitting image...
take after = resemble or act like a parent or relative
I see that he takes after his dad in his ability to play basketball.
take after = resemble or act like a parent or relative
I see that he takes after his dad in his ability to play basketball.
2009년 9월 22일 화요일
Common errors 28: Decent vs. Descent
decent: fair, upright, reasonable 점잖은. 상냥한, 상당한 (decent salary)
descent: act of coming down, ancestry 세습, 출신, 혈통
descent: act of coming down, ancestry 세습, 출신, 혈통
Idiom 100: Be swamped with
드디어 100개의 숙어가 올려졌습니다...!!! 앞으로 갈길이 멀지만 천리길도 한걸음부터.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.
상황: 여러분들이 매우 바쁘게 생활한다고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 눈코뜰새 없다라고들 하죠...
very busy해도 되시겠지만 이 표현은 어떨까요?
swamped = very busy = overwhelmed = having too much to do
I need to complete four reports by tomorrow. I am swamped with work.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.
상황: 여러분들이 매우 바쁘게 생활한다고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 눈코뜰새 없다라고들 하죠...
very busy해도 되시겠지만 이 표현은 어떨까요?
swamped = very busy = overwhelmed = having too much to do
I need to complete four reports by tomorrow. I am swamped with work.
Idiom 99: Straighten out
상황: 어떤 일이 복잡하게 꼬였을 때 해결한다라는 의미에서 사용
하기도 하고 집이나 사무실이나 지저분한 상태에서 정리정돈을 한다는 의미로도 사용합니다. 직장에서 복잡한 상태를 바로잡을때 어떻게 하라는 의미에서 많이 사용하지요....
straighten out = succeed in getting it organized and tidied up = put in order
He spent Saturday straightening out his clothing drawers and making everything neat.
혹시 어셔라는 흑인힙합가수를 아시나요? 십대스타 모니카와 듀엣곡으로 관심을 불러일으켰었죠... 'Let's straighten it out'

straighten out = succeed in getting it organized and tidied up = put in order
He spent Saturday straightening out his clothing drawers and making everything neat.
혹시 어셔라는 흑인힙합가수를 아시나요? 십대스타 모니카와 듀엣곡으로 관심을 불러일으켰었죠... 'Let's straighten it out'
2009년 9월 21일 월요일
Common errors 26: Continual vs. Continuous
continual: frequently repeated, occurring with short breaks only
continuous: uninterrupted
continuous: uninterrupted
Idiom 98: Stand someone up
상황: 약속한 상황에서 누군가가 나오지 않을 경우를 당해보신 경험이 있으실 것입니다. 이렇게 약속을 어길 경우에 쓰는 표현입니다. 바람맞히다... 혹시 여자친구나 남자친구 아니면 소개팅에서 누군가를 (마음에 안들어서?) 바람맞힌 경험이 있으시지는 않은지요? 아니면 반대의 경우라도....
stand someone up = fail to keep an appointment or date
They decided to meet at 6:00. She waited for him for an hour and then realized that he stood her up.
stand someone up = fail to keep an appointment or date
They decided to meet at 6:00. She waited for him for an hour and then realized that he stood her up.
Common errors 25: Contagious vs. Infectious
Both refer to diseases passed to others.
contagious: passed by bodily contact
infectious: passed by means of air or water
contagious: passed by bodily contact
infectious: passed by means of air or water
Idiom 97: Spitting image
상황: 혹시 예전에 배우셨던 chip off the old block기억 나시는지요. 아버지와 아들이 닮았을 경우에 쓴다고 하였죠. 지금 이 표현도 같은 뜻입니다. 서로 빼어 닮았을 경우에 쓰는 표현입니다.
spitting image = a perfect likeness or counterpart = exact resemblance
The boy is the spitting image of his father. They looks like twins.
spitting image = a perfect likeness or counterpart = exact resemblance
The boy is the spitting image of his father. They looks like twins.
2009년 9월 20일 일요일
Idiom 96: Greasy spoon
상황: 여행을 하다보면 시골 구석이나 도시의 구석진 곳에 싸구려 식당을 발견하실 수 있을 것입니다. 저런 곳이 장사되나 싶기도 하구요. 이렇게 불결하고 싸구려 식당같은 곳을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
greasy spoon = inexpensive restaurant with mediocre food = a small, cheap, unattractive café that serves mostly fried food
I hated dinner last night. It turned out being a greasy spoon.
greasy spoon = inexpensive restaurant with mediocre food = a small, cheap, unattractive café that serves mostly fried food
I hated dinner last night. It turned out being a greasy spoon.
Idiom 95: Spic and span
상황: 매우 깨끗하거나 새롭다고 표현할 때 brand-new라고 하지요. 다른 표현을 배워보기로 하시죠.
spic and span = very neat (clean) = brand-new
Now that we have cleaned our house, it looks spic and span.
spic and span = very neat (clean) = brand-new
Now that we have cleaned our house, it looks spic and span.
2009년 9월 18일 금요일
Idiom 94: Snap out of it
상황: 격려할 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 힘내라!! 그리고 어떤 panic이나 두려움의 상황에서 나오라는 의미입니다.
snap out of it = free oneself from the control of panic or fear = cheer up = be of good cheer = perk up
He was upset and crying so hard that he couldn't snap out of it.
snap out of it = free oneself from the control of panic or fear = cheer up = be of good cheer = perk up
He was upset and crying so hard that he couldn't snap out of it.
Idiom 93: Birds and bees
상황: 오늘은 재미있는 표현을 배워보겠습니다. 혹시 자녀분들을 가지신 부모님들이라면 자식에 대해 언제부터 성교육을 할 것인지 생각해 보신 적이 있으실 것입니다. 성교육에 대한 기초지식을 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
birds and bees = informal sex education = facts about sex and birth
refers to courtship and sex, and is usually used in reference to teaching someone, often a young child, about sex and pregnancy
The girl's mother told her daughter about the birds and bees during the summer holidays.
birds and bees = informal sex education = facts about sex and birth
refers to courtship and sex, and is usually used in reference to teaching someone, often a young child, about sex and pregnancy
The girl's mother told her daughter about the birds and bees during the summer holidays.
2009년 9월 17일 목요일
Idiom 93: Banker's hours
상황: 미국의 회사들은 대부분이 8시(혹은 9시)부터 일을 시작해서 5시에 끝납니다. 그러나 어떤 날은 반나절만 근무해도 되는 날도 있지요. 그리고 연후를 앞둔 금요일은 상사의 재량에 따라 근무시간이 단축되는데 이러한 보통때보다 단축된 근무날을 가리킬 때 사용하는 말입니다.
banker's hours = short work hours
He loves his job because on Friday, he gets to work banker's hours.
banker's hours = short work hours
He loves his job because on Friday, he gets to work banker's hours.
Idiom 92: nitty-gritty
상황: 어떤 문제나 상황에서 가장 중요한 부분 기본적인 사실을 가리킬 때 사용하는 말입니다. 즉 핵심이라고 하죠.
nitty-gritty = the essence or important part
If people get down to the nitty-gritty of a matter, situation, or activity, they discuss the most important, basic parts of it or facts about it.
We've been discussing your problem for an hour, but we finally got down to the nitty-gritty.
get down to는 어떤 일을 착수할 때 사용하는 말입니다.
nitty-gritty = the essence or important part
If people get down to the nitty-gritty of a matter, situation, or activity, they discuss the most important, basic parts of it or facts about it.
We've been discussing your problem for an hour, but we finally got down to the nitty-gritty.
get down to는 어떤 일을 착수할 때 사용하는 말입니다.
Common errors 23: Curb vs. Kerb
curb: one’s temper means to control or restrain it
kerb: the edging of a pavement = curb
curb: one’s temper means to control or restrain it
kerb: the edging of a pavement = curb
2009년 9월 16일 수요일
Idiom 91: Get the ax
상황: 요즘 실업자가 많이 있는 상태이지요. 그래서 안짤리기 위해 열심히 더 일해야 하구요. 이런 말은 배우기는 좀 그런데 그냥 알아두시길... 해고당하다라는 표현입니다.
get the ax = be fired = be canned
give the ax = fire
My company finally realized that he is doing his job very well. So, they didn't give him the ax.
get the ax = be fired = be canned
give the ax = fire
My company finally realized that he is doing his job very well. So, they didn't give him the ax.
Idiom 90: Have ants in one's pants
상황: 바지 안에 개미가 있다구요? 어떠한 상황일까요? 안절부절하는 상황일 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
have ants in one's pants = be anxious = be nervous
He wasn't sure if he would be chosen to win the award. He had ants in his pants.
have ants in one's pants = be anxious = be nervous
He wasn't sure if he would be chosen to win the award. He had ants in his pants.
Idiom 89: Big shot
중요한 사람을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 거물이라고도 하죠.
bigh shot = important person
Since she was given promotion, he's been acting like a big shot.
bigh shot = important person
Since she was given promotion, he's been acting like a big shot.
2009년 9월 15일 화요일
Idiom 88: Keep someone posted
상황: 이 표현 또한 많이 사용하는 표현이지요. 어떠한 상황에 대해서 계속 연락 달라는 표현입니다. 업데이트해달라는 표현.. 특히 이메일에 주로 사용되기도 하죠.
keep someone posted = keep someone informed
I'm very interested in any further developments. You will keep me posted, won't you?
keep someone posted = keep someone informed
I'm very interested in any further developments. You will keep me posted, won't you?
Idiom 87: What's the game?
상황: 너 뭐하고 있니? 아니면 너 어쩌려고 그래? 무슨 일이 일어났니? 라는 말을 여러형태로 쓰실 것입니다. 이럴 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
what's the game? = what are you doing?
What's the game? That money's mine. You can't simply put it your pocket!
what's the game? = what are you doing?
What's the game? That money's mine. You can't simply put it your pocket!
2009년 9월 14일 월요일
Idiom 86: Go one's own way
상황: 자신의 길을 가고자 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
go one's own way = get what one wants
Mary's got a very strong personality. She always manages to get her own way.
go one's own way = get what one wants
Mary's got a very strong personality. She always manages to get her own way.
Common errors 22: Coarse vs. Course
coarse: vulgar or rough
course: a series of lectures, a direction, a sports area, and part of a meal
coarse: vulgar or rough
course: a series of lectures, a direction, a sports area, and part of a meal
Idiom 85: Chip in
상황: 학교가 시작하면 어떤 학교들은 부모들에게 공식적 기부(촌지(bribe)가 아니라)를 원하곤 합니다. contribution or donation이라고도 하죠. 기부하다라는 뜻의 다른 표현을 배워보지요. 참고로 말참견하다라는 뜻도 있습니다.
chip in = contribute
We are all going to chip in and give the teacher a gift.
chip in = contribute
We are all going to chip in and give the teacher a gift.
Idiom 84: Chalk up
상황: 미국생활 중에서 빠뜨릴 수 없는 것 중의 하나가 스포츠 경기라 생각이 듭니다. 스포츠 경기에 있어서 승리를 얻는 점수가 될때 사용하는 표현입니다. 보통 점수를 얻다 혹은기록하다라는 뜻도 있습니다.
chalk up = record = score
Chalk up another one for the team. They won the championship.
chalk up = record = score
Chalk up another one for the team. They won the championship.
Idiom 83: buddy-buddy
주말 잘 보내셨는지요...
상황: 다른 사람과의 관계를 나타내는데 있어 친한 관계를 일컬을 때 이 표현을 사용합니다.
buddy-buddy = very friendly
She's gotten to be very buddy-buddy with her boss.
상황: 다른 사람과의 관계를 나타내는데 있어 친한 관계를 일컬을 때 이 표현을 사용합니다.
buddy-buddy = very friendly
She's gotten to be very buddy-buddy with her boss.
2009년 9월 13일 일요일
Common errors 21: Clothes vs. Cloths
clothes: garments 옷
cloths: dusters or scraps of material = fabric which is made by weaving or knitting a substance such as cotton, wool, silk, or nylon 천
Cloth is used especially for making clothes
cloths: dusters or scraps of material = fabric which is made by weaving or knitting a substance such as cotton, wool, silk, or nylon 천
Cloth is used especially for making clothes
2009년 9월 12일 토요일
Idiom 82: Hit the nail (right) on the head
상황: 어떠한 상황을 맞이하여 적절한 말이나 행동을 할 경우를 표현합니다. 바로 알아 맞일 때나 요점이나 핵심을 찌를 경우에 쓰이는 표현입니다. 직역을 하면 좀 과격하지요...
hit the nail on the head = do exactly the right thing = do something in the most effective and efficient way = describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
I think Mike hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.
hit the nail on the head = do exactly the right thing = do something in the most effective and efficient way = describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
I think Mike hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.
2009년 9월 11일 금요일
Idiom 81: High and dry
상황: 오늘 아침에는 high and low를 배우셨지요. 고립되었다라는 표현을 보겠습니다. 주말은 고립되서 지내시지 말고 누군가와 함께 잘 보내시길 바랍니다.
high and dry = isolated
I missed both the last bus and the last train. If I hadn't found a taxi I would have been left high and dry.
high and dry = isolated
I missed both the last bus and the last train. If I hadn't found a taxi I would have been left high and dry.
Common errors 20: Ceremonial vs. Ceremonious
ceremonial: formal, the ritual used for a formal religious or public event 의식의
ceremonious: rigidly formal or bound by convention = the type of person who likes to behave over-formally on social occasions. It is not altogether complimentary 형식적인, 예의바른
두 단어 모두 '의식의'란 뜻이 있습니다.
ceremonious: rigidly formal or bound by convention = the type of person who likes to behave over-formally on social occasions. It is not altogether complimentary 형식적인, 예의바른
두 단어 모두 '의식의'란 뜻이 있습니다.
Idiom 80: Run out of
상황: 많은 분들이 이 표현을 아시겠지만 오늘 이 상황이 일어나서 이 표현을 올려 놓습니다. 아침에 칼라프린터를 쓰려고 하니까 잉크가 떨어졌더군요. 그럴때 뿐만 아니라 자동차의 gas가 떨어져도, 쌀이 떨어져도, 시간이 없어도, 힘이 빠져도 쓰고 많이 사용합니다.
run out of = be out = be exhausted = be gone = be out of stock = run out = run short
run out of gas
run out of ink
run out of food
run out of time 시간이 없다 Opp: Time is on your side. 시간이 넉넉하다
run out of steam 힘이 빠지다, 지치다
run out of = be out = be exhausted = be gone = be out of stock = run out = run short
run out of gas
run out of ink
run out of food
run out of time 시간이 없다 Opp: Time is on your side. 시간이 넉넉하다
run out of steam 힘이 빠지다, 지치다
Idiom 79: High and low
상황: 때로는 무엇을 열심히 찾는 경우가 있는데 샅샅이 찾을 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
high and low = everywhere
look high and low for 샅샅히 찾다
I bought some new gloves last week and now I can't find them. I've looked high and low for them.
"High and Low" is the tenth episode from the of the American forensic crime drama '''', which is set in Las Vegas, Nevada.
high and low = everywhere
look high and low for 샅샅히 찾다
I bought some new gloves last week and now I can't find them. I've looked high and low for them.
"High and Low" is the tenth episode from the of the American forensic crime drama '''', which is set in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Idiom 78: Go flat out
상황: 오늘은 금요일입니다. 일주일 동안 열심히 달려온 시간이었죠. 오늘은 주말 앞에 있는 여유가 있는 날입니다. 그렇지만 우리의 주어진 일들을 열심히 전력으로 노력해야겠지요. 열심히 일하다라는 뜻을 가진 표현입니다.
go flat out = make an effort
Airlines go flat out for comfort.
go flat out = make an effort
Airlines go flat out for comfort.
2009년 9월 10일 목요일
Commom errors 19: Centenarian vs. Centurion
centenarian: someone who is at least 100 years old
centurion: the commander of a company of 100 men in the ancient Roman army
centurion: the commander of a company of 100 men in the ancient Roman army
Idiom 77: Be at odds with
상황: 누군가와 사이가 좋지 않을 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
be at odd with = be in disagreement with
He is at odds with his colleague.
be at odd with = be in disagreement with
He is at odds with his colleague.
2009년 9월 9일 수요일
Idiom 76: Apple of one's eye
상황: 보통 어린 딸이나 아들을 가지신 부모들에게 소중한 것이 무엇이냐고 물어보면 눈에 넣어도 하나도 안아픈 존재가 딸(아들이라고 하는 사람은 드물지요.. 하지만 전 아들이라고 하지요)이라고 하지요. 가장 소중한 사람을 가리킬 때 사용하는 표현입니다. 한자어로는 장중보옥 (掌中寶玉).
apple of one's eye = someone special, usually a son or daughter
Although he loves his son, his daughter is the apple of his eye.
apple of one's eye = someone special, usually a son or daughter
Although he loves his son, his daughter is the apple of his eye.
Common errors 18: censer, censor or censure
censer: a container in which incense or censure is burnt during a religious ceremony 향로
censor: a person who examines plays, books, films, etc. before deciding if they are suitable for public performance or publication 검열관
censure: official and formal disapproval or condemnation of an action 비난, 책망, 견책; to express this condemnation in a formal written or spoken statement 비난하다, 책망하다
censor: a person who examines plays, books, films, etc. before deciding if they are suitable for public performance or publication 검열관
censure: official and formal disapproval or condemnation of an action 비난, 책망, 견책; to express this condemnation in a formal written or spoken statement 비난하다, 책망하다
Idiom 75: Slip one's mind
상황: 어떠한 것을 잊어버렸을 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 간단히 forget이라고 써도 되지만 다른 표현을 쓰면 좋겠지요... 단 forget의 주어는 사람인데 반해 이 표현의 주어는 잊어버린 것입니다.
slip one's mind = be forgotten = pass out of one's memory
I'm sorry I missed our appointment. It must have slipped my mind.
slip one's mind = be forgotten = pass out of one's memory
I'm sorry I missed our appointment. It must have slipped my mind.
Idiom 74: Boob tube
상황: TV를 바보상자라고 부르죠... 그 바보상자의 뜻을 가진 TV의 다른 표현입니다.
boob tube = television
What is on the boob tube tonight?
boob tube = television
What is on the boob tube tonight?
Common errors 17: cite, sight or site
cite: refer to
sight: vision or something seen
site: land, usually set aside for aparticular purpose
sight: vision or something seen
site: land, usually set aside for aparticular purpose
Idiom 73: Butt in
상황: 간섭하거나 참견한다고 할 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
butt in = chime in = break into a conversation
Her husband always butts in, even when he is not involved in the conversation
butt in = chime in = break into a conversation
Her husband always butts in, even when he is not involved in the conversation
2009년 9월 8일 화요일
Commom errors 16: Childish vs. Childlike
childish: indicating a lack of maturity
childlike: exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity
credulity = tendency to believe readily
childlike: exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity
credulity = tendency to believe readily
Idiom 72: Call off
상황: 많이 사용하는 표현이지요. cancel대신에 취소할 때 많이 사용되는 표현이지요...
call off = cancer
The meeting was called off because of bad weather.
call off = cancer
The meeting was called off because of bad weather.
Idiom 71: See eye to eye
상황: Labor day 잘보내셨나요... 오늘은 의견이 같다라는 표현을 같이 보기로 하겠습니다. 간단한 agree란 단어도 있지요.
see eye to eye = be in agreement = have the same opinion
We never saw eye to eye on this question.
My friend and I are splitting up. We do not see eye to eye.
see eye to eye = be in agreement = have the same opinion
We never saw eye to eye on this question.
My friend and I are splitting up. We do not see eye to eye.
2009년 9월 7일 월요일
Idiom 70: A loose tongue
상황: 사람과 관계를 맺으면서 지낼 때 여러 성향의 사람을 보는데 어떤 사람에게 무슨 말을 하면 아주 빠른 속도로 그 말이 퍼져 나가는 것을 보신 적이 있으실 것입니다. 입이 가벼워서 다른 사람에게 쉽게 말하는 그런 사람을 가리킬 때 쓰는 표현입니다.
a losse tongue = a big mouth 입이 가벼운
She has a loose tongue , so you had better not tell her about this.
a losse tongue = a big mouth 입이 가벼운
She has a loose tongue , so you had better not tell her about this.
Idiom 69: All thumbs
상황: 손재주가 없을 때 쓰는 표현입니다. 모든 손가락이 엄지손가락같으면 참 무딜 것 같다라고 생긴거 같습니다.
all thumbs = clumsy = awkward = not dextrous
Don't ask me to put that clock back together. I am all thumbs.
all thumbs = clumsy = awkward = not dextrous
Don't ask me to put that clock back together. I am all thumbs.
2009년 9월 6일 일요일
Common errors 14: Caning vs. Canning
caning: a form of corporal punishment consisting of a number of hits (known as "strokes" or "cuts") with a flexible rattan cane
Caning is now banned in all schools.
canning: a method of preserving food in which the food is processed and sealed in an airtight containe
The canning factory is closing down.
Caning is now banned in all schools.
canning: a method of preserving food in which the food is processed and sealed in an airtight containe
The canning factory is closing down.
Idiom 68: Bawl out
상황: 일요일에도 공부를 해야겠지요. 누구를 꾸짖을 때 쓰는 말입니다.
bawl out = reprimand
If someone bawls you out, they shout at you angrily because you have done something wrong.
The team was bawled out after they lost the game.
bawl out = reprimand
If someone bawls you out, they shout at you angrily because you have done something wrong.
The team was bawled out after they lost the game.
2009년 9월 4일 금요일
Idiom 67: Run-down
상황: 오늘은 금요일 입니다. 더군다나 다음주 월요일은 기다리던 휴일, Labor day입니다. 지치고 힘들지만 이번 금요일은 그 어느때보다 즐거운 금요일이 되겠지요. 더군다나 월요일에 휴일낀 금요일은 일찍 끝나는 회사가 대부분이죠. 저희 회사도 그렇습니다. 힘들다라고 말할 때 tired라고 쓰는데 다른 표현을 한번 써 보는 것이 어떨까요?
run-down = tired (쇠약해진 혹은 황폐한(ruined) 이라는 뜻도 있습니다)
A tired, run-down body is like a car that needs a tune-up; it does not function efficiently.
run-down = tired (쇠약해진 혹은 황폐한(ruined) 이라는 뜻도 있습니다)
A tired, run-down body is like a car that needs a tune-up; it does not function efficiently.
Idiom 66: Out on a limb
상황: 위험한 상황에 처해 있을 경우에 이 표현을 씁니다.
out on a limb = in a dangerous or risky position
He really went out on a limb to offer his brother the job.
Every time we talk you go further out on a limb.
out on a limb = in a dangerous or risky position
He really went out on a limb to offer his brother the job.
Every time we talk you go further out on a limb.
Common errors 13: Callous or Callus
callous: cruel, insensitive, not caring about how others feel 무감각한, 냉담 [무정] 한
callus: a hard patch of skin or tissue 피부 경결 (硬結)
an unwanted area of thick skin, usually on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, which has been caused by something rubbing against it
callus: a hard patch of skin or tissue 피부 경결 (硬結)
an unwanted area of thick skin, usually on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet, which has been caused by something rubbing against it
Idiom 65: Make ends meet
상황: 요즘같이 경기가 좋지 않을 때에는 수입과 지출의 균형을 맞추는 것이 좋겠지요. bill을 지불할 정도로 수입을 벌거나 수입에 맞추어 근근히 살아가다라고 할 때 사용하는 표현입니다.
make ends meet = have enough money to cover expenses = get through the pay period = pay one’s bills
A: Things are so expensive nowadays that it’s very difficult to make ends meet.
B: You know, even with Lucie’s salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay allthe bills.
make ends meet = have enough money to cover expenses = get through the pay period = pay one’s bills
A: Things are so expensive nowadays that it’s very difficult to make ends meet.
B: You know, even with Lucie’s salary, our combined income is hardly enough to pay allthe bills.
2009년 9월 3일 목요일
Idiom 64: Crop up
상황: 일상의 생활에서 갑자기 어떠한 일이 발생한 적이 있으실 것입니다. 이런 경우 황당하기도 하겠지요... 그렇지만 이런 일이 있더라도 잘 넘어가시길....
crop up = appears or happens, usually unexpectedly, suddenly or unexpectedly
I had to stay at work late yesterday. Some new work cropped up.
crop up = appears or happens, usually unexpectedly, suddenly or unexpectedly
I had to stay at work late yesterday. Some new work cropped up.
Common errors 12: Broach vs. Brooch
broach: (v) bring up a topic for discussion
(n) a subject, especially a sensitive one
brooch: a decorative pin worn by women
broach: (v) bring up a topic for discussion
(n) a subject, especially a sensitive one
brooch: a decorative pin worn by women
Idiom 63: Paint the town red
상황: 타운을 빨간색으로 페인트 했다. 무슨뜻일까요? 열광적인 색깔...적색... 이 표현은 공공장소에서 파티를 즐기듯 열광적으로 축하하며 즐길때 쓰는 표현입니다. 삼바축제는 어떨까요?
paint the town red = carouse and have a good time = party or celebrate in a rowdy, wild manner, especially in a public place 야단법석하다, 대소동을 일으키다
A: How was the night life?
B: Great! We painted the town red the first three nights we were there.
paint the town red = carouse and have a good time = party or celebrate in a rowdy, wild manner, especially in a public place 야단법석하다, 대소동을 일으키다
A: How was the night life?
B: Great! We painted the town red the first three nights we were there.
Idiom 62: Roll in dough
상황: 돈버는 상황을 계속 이야기 해볼까요? 61번에서 배운 rake it in과 비슷한 말로 돈방석에 앉아 있다라는 표현입니다. 역시 돈을 많이 벌어서 넉넉하다라는 뜻이겠지요.
roll in dough = wallow in dough
His business has been very successful, even though the economy went haywire. He is rolling in dough.
아실지 모르지만 dough는 money를 나타내는 속어입니다. 그리고 wallow는 뒹굴다라는 표현이구요. go haywire는 저번에 배웠뜻이 고장나거나 엉망인 상태를 말합니다.
roll in dough = wallow in dough
His business has been very successful, even though the economy went haywire. He is rolling in dough.
아실지 모르지만 dough는 money를 나타내는 속어입니다. 그리고 wallow는 뒹굴다라는 표현이구요. go haywire는 저번에 배웠뜻이 고장나거나 엉망인 상태를 말합니다.
Common errors 11: Boarder vs. Border
boarder: a person who pays to live in someone’s house
border: the edge or boundary of something
border: the edge or boundary of something
Idiom 61: Rake it in
상황: 오늘은 모두가 바라는 마음을 담은 표현입니다. 갈퀴를 가지고 긁어 모을 만큼 돈을 벌다라는 표현입니다. 많은 돈을 벌다라고 표현할 때 쓰입니다.
rake it in = make a lot of money
Since business has improved, he is really raking it in.
rake it in = make a lot of money
Since business has improved, he is really raking it in.
2009년 9월 2일 수요일
Idiom 60: Dressed to kill
상황: 파티에 가거나 어디 초대에 받아서 갈때에 옷을 잘 입어야겠지요. 직장에서 누군가 특별히 옷을 잘 입고 오면 이런 말을 하죠. '옷 죽이네요' '멋진 옷이네요'
be dressed to kill = wear one’s finest clothes = dressed in fancy or formal clothing 홀딱 반할 만한 옷차림을 하고 있다
The reception for the new Swedish ambassador at the Jennison’s was quite lavish. Naturally, everybody was dressed to kill.
be dressed to kill = wear one’s finest clothes = dressed in fancy or formal clothing 홀딱 반할 만한 옷차림을 하고 있다
The reception for the new Swedish ambassador at the Jennison’s was quite lavish. Naturally, everybody was dressed to kill.
Idiom 59: Hit the ceiling
상황: hit로 시작하는 다른 표현을 배워볼까요. 화난 상황을 가리켜 천장을 치다?라고 표현합니다.
hit the ceiling = become very angry
Don’s father hit the ceiling when he was informed that his son had been detained by the police for disorderly conduct.
hit the ceiling = become very angry
Don’s father hit the ceiling when he was informed that his son had been detained by the police for disorderly conduct.
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